Satisfied or refunded


We are absolutely confident in offering the best portable IPL epilator on the market.

This is why we are proud to offer our “results guarantee”: in the – very unlikely – event that you do not see results after 3 months, simply return your epilator, and we will refund you 100%.

Just follow the steps below to enjoy it

Before your first session, take a photo of the area to be waxed. We can thus see the quantity of hair before you start the sessions. Do you plan to use the epilator on several areas of the body? Choose just one for all steps. For example, if you use your epilator for your legs and armpits, choose only one of these 2 areas for the first photos and those in step 2.

Every week, take a new photo of the exact same area as your first photo (step 1). You must continue to use the epilator for 8 weeks, and therefore send us at least 8 photos.

Important: after 90 days of your order, the result guarantee is no longer valid: you must therefore make your request a maximum of 90 days after the date of your order.

Log in by clicking here , then select “Support” from the menu. Submit your refund request by sending us photos of your progress.

If you cannot log in to your account (have you tried the “I forgot my password?” option), you can also contact us at processing of your request will however be a little longer.

A member of our team will review your request. Then simply send the epilator back to us (at your expense). Upon receipt at our company, we will reimburse you!