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Permanent hair removal: everything you need to know about it

Permanent hair removal: everything you need to know about it

Permanent hair removal is on the rise. Every day, more and more people are attracted to the idea of ​​getting rid of their hair permanently. This is certainly your case if you came across this article! I imagine you have a whole host of questions on this subject… This special permanent hair removal guide is here to answer them!

Why choose permanent hair removal?

Want to get rid of your hair once and for all? Choose permanent hair removal and obtain hairless, smooth and soft skin in just a few sessions. I tell you more about the advantages and disadvantages of this method below.

The advantages of permanent hair removal

To eliminate hair, permanent hair removal is king. It easily surpasses other techniques (wax, razor, depilatory cream, etc.) with its many advantages. Whether you choose laser or pulsed light, you can expect these benefits:

  • The results are very effective : the hair is destroyed at the root and can no longer grow back. The results are long-lasting and require only light touch-ups;
  • Hair removal is almost painless : the most sensitive only feel tingling and a sensation of heat. Note that some models have a cooling system to compensate for this;
  • The skin is smoother and more beautiful than with other methods (no pimples or ingrown hairs);
  • This is a real financial investment , with a cost that will largely pay for itself later. A more interesting solution than spending €10,000 on shaving products throughout your life!

The disadvantages of permanent hair removal

In my opinion, permanent hair removal is the ideal method to eliminate hair once and for all.

In my opinion, its only weak point is financial. Particularly if you choose laser rather than pulsed light. Expect between €150 and €400 on average per laser hair removal session . And it is necessary to carry out between 5 to 10 sessions for an effective and lasting result… A total cost of up to €4,000!

To reduce this budget, you can (potentially) opt for pulsed light hair removal. Pulsed light sessions in institutes are more affordable than laser sessions (around €3,000 maximum instead of €4,000). It is also possible to buy an IPL device (between €200 and €500) to carry out your own sessions at home.

On the other hand, pulsed light is not effective on all hair types and colors. Only the laser works for light blonde and red hair, as well as black skin.

Also, neither of these 2 methods work for white and gray hairs . They cannot benefit from it due to their absence of melanin (pigment responsible for color). If this is your case, you will unfortunately have to continue with classic techniques (shaving, depilatory cream, wax, etc.).

Laser or pulsed light: which type of permanent hair removal to choose?

We saw it just before when looking at the advantages and disadvantages of permanent hair removal : there are 2 techniques. You can opt for laser or pulsed light . But what are their differences? How do they work in practice? Which is the most effective? Discover some answers below!

Laser hair removal

The best known method of permanent hair removal is certainly laser depilatory. But how does it work? And what are its strong and weak points? The answers below!

How does laser hair removal work?

The principle of the laser is to destroy the hair via the emission of infrared light . This has the ability to pass through the epidermis to reach the hair bulb. Inside it, the melanin will absorb the energy of the light . It then transforms it into heat and then transmits it to the bulb. Result: the latter is burned, the hair is eliminated.

As the sessions progress, hair regrowth is gradually slowed down. You only need 5 to 10 sessions on average to obtain permanent hair removal . It’s particularly effective!

It works on all phototypes and hair colors . One exception: white and gray hairs. These no longer contain melanin, making it impossible to target infrared light.

On the other hand, laser hair removal is exclusively carried out in an institute by a competent and authorized professional. It is impossible to buy a device to carry out your own session at home.

What are the advantages of laser hair removal?

  • Hygienic and safe hair removal technique (performed by a professional);
  • Permanent and definitive results in just 5 to 10 sessions;
  • Uniform hair removal possible over the entire body (without ingrown hairs or pimples);
  • Almost painless (slight warming and tingling sensation);
  • Works on red and light blonde hair, as well as black skin.

What are the disadvantages of laser hair removal?

  • Significant investment (between €150 and €400 per session);
  • Does not work on white or gray hairs;
  • Presents risks in the event of misuse of the device or non-compliance with recommendations (burn, pigmentation, etc.).

In summary: laser hair removal is a safe method with definitive and lasting results , despite a significant initial investment. Choosing the right practitioner is essential to obtain the best possible results with the minimum risk.

Pulsed light hair removal

Previously, only laser hair removal was considered to remove hair permanently. But another method has emerged in recent years: pulsed light (or IPL for Intense Pulsed Light ). Gentler than the laser, it can be done at home by purchasing a pulsed light epilator. Find out more about how it works, its pros and cons below!

How does pulsed light hair removal work?

Pulsed light is a method for obtaining semi-permanent hair removal . As a result, it is a little less efficient and faster than the laser. In particular, it will require several small touch-ups to maintain smooth skin over time.

The principle is similar to the laser: it consists of sending a light which will be captured by the melanin of the hair. Once transformed into heat and then transmitted to the bulb, this destroys the hair follicle . Hair regrowth becomes weaker and weaker over the course of the sessions.

For this to work, you must carry out sessions once a week, for 2 to 3 months on average . Then, it is necessary to continue the sessions but by spacing them out more and more. In practice: 2 sessions per month, then 1 session per month, etc. Until the expected effects are obtained. Thereafter, only a few annual sessions will be necessary to maintain smooth skin. You will have noticed: you have to be patient... But the game is worth it!

If you like this method, I 100% recommend purchasing a pulsed light epilator . These devices cost between €200 and €500 on average but can last up to 10 years depending on the model. This is a much more cost-effective solution than going to an institute.

And you don't need any special skills to use such a device. Their design is designed to be as simple as possible. Just read the instructions in the instructions carefully before starting. Follow them carefully and you will obtain the results you hope for!

On the other hand, pulsed light does not work on white, gray, light blond and red hair, nor on black skin.

What are the advantages of pulsed light hair removal?

  • Effective result in preventing hair regrowth;
  • 100% painless hair removal (slight heating sensation);
  • Quick sessions, which can be done at home or in an institute;
  • More affordable method than laser.

What are the disadvantages of pulsed light hair removal?

  • Semi-permanent hair removal (requires touch-ups);
  • 4 to 8 sessions are necessary before obtaining the first results;
  • Requires shaving before each session;
  • Does not work on light blonde, red, white and gray hairs;
  • Does not work on black skin.

What phototypes and hair types are eligible for permanent hair removal?

Focus on skin types and hair colors in this part. Find out which ones can benefit from permanent hair removal!

Phototypes and colors of hair eligible for laser or pulsed light

There are 6 different skin types . All are differently loaded with melanin, the pigment responsible for color:

  • I: very fair skin that does not tan, very prone to sunburn. Usually with blond or red hair;
  • II: very fair skin that tans with difficulty, prone to sunburn. Light brown or blonde hair;
  • III: fair skin with a gradual tan and possibility of sunburn. Brown or blond hair;
  • IV: slightly matte skin with rapid tanning. Black, brown or chestnut hair;
  • V: dark skin that tans very easily. Dark hair;
  • VI: black skin that does not get sunburned. Dark hair.

Permanent laser hair removal can work on all of these phototypes . Currently, its only limit concerns the elimination of white hairs (total absence of melanin).

On the other hand, hair removal with pulsed light requires a significant contrast between skin color and hair color . As a result, it unfortunately does not work on phototypes V and VI, nor on light blond, red and white hair.

Which areas can be treated with permanent hair removal?

Zoom on the areas of the body that can benefit from permanent hair removal in this part.

Permanent hair removal possible on all areas of the body

In theory, it is possible to permanently remove hair from all areas of the body with hair growth:

  • Face ;
  • Beard ;
  • Neck;
  • Shoulders;
  • Back ;
  • Torso;
  • Armpits;
  • Jersey ;
  • Legs ;

In practice, it will rather depend on your choice between laser hair removal and pulsed light hair removal .

Laser hair removal is carried out in a specialized institute. You will benefit from the laser technology adapted to you, but also from the skills of the practitioner.

Conversely, pulsed light hair removal is (increasingly) used at home, via the purchase of an IPL device . Removing hair from certain hard-to-reach areas can therefore be complicated!

Of course, it is always possible to request pulsed light sessions in an institute. But in terms of quality/price ratio, I must admit that it is not often interesting… Better to opt for the laser in this case. More expensive, of course, but the results will be much more convincing!

What are the dangers of permanent hair removal?

Permanent hair removal , whether by laser or pulsed light, can pose health risks. It is essential to choose your practitioner carefully and to scrupulously respect the instructions to overcome this. I'll tell you more in this part!

The dangers of laser

A question regularly arises among those new to permanent hair removal… Is laser hair removal dangerous for your health? Who says laser, says risk of burns, right?

Well, in practice, medical lasers do not present any danger , under a few conditions:

  • They must be carried out for a well-defined indication, only after medical examination;
  • The practitioner must have perfect mastery of the device.

The target of the laser is the melanin contained in the hair. The goal is only to provide enough energy to destroy the hair follicle . As a result, the wavelength used does not pose a health risk (no radiation, no carcinogenic risk).

The only “danger” of the laser is to create collateral damage (burn or pigmentation problem). But these can only take place when the recommendations and contraindications are not respected. It is therefore extremely rare!

To avoid these problems, I can only recommend that you choose your practitioner carefully . Check the reviews about the institute and ask your loved ones for advice. And of course: scrupulously respect the practitioner's recommendations after the session.

The dangers of pulsed light

Pulsed light destroys the hair follicle by thermal effect, in other words, by heating it. Just like the laser, it targets melanin. It can thus create collateral damage (burns, pigmentation problems, etc.) when misused.

I can only recommend that you choose the institute carefully to avoid these risks. And be sure to follow the practitioner’s advice to the letter after each session!

If you prefer to purchase an IPL device, risks also exist at home. To overcome this, scrupulously follow the instructions in the user manual . Here are some best practice tips:

  • Avoid flashing twice in the same place so as not to burn your skin;
  • Don't focus on tattoos, moles or scars;
  • Respect the break times between sessions;
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun or UV rays after the session;
  • Wear a pair of protective glasses to avoid eye damage.

Permanent hair removal FAQ: all the answers to your questions

After reading this special permanent hair removal guide , do you still have a few questions left? I try to answer it in this part! Do not hesitate to let me know in the comments for any other information.

What is the most effective permanent hair removal?

Laser hair removal is the most effective permanent hair removal method. It works on all hair and skin types, except gray and white hair.

What age for permanent hair removal?

The laser can be considered between 25 and 30 years of age for women , compared to 40 years of age for men . For pulsed light, it is better to wait until you are at least 20 years old to start.

How much does permanent hair removal cost?

Expect between €150 and €400 per permanent laser hair removal session, depending on the areas treated. As for pulsed light, the price of a session is more affordable: between €50 and €350 on average.

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